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Web Design Services
Custom Web Design – Mobile, AL
Custom Web Design – Charleston, SC
Our Approach
Web Design Services
Custom Web Design – Mobile, AL
Custom Web Design – Charleston, SC
Our Approach
Google PPC intake form
Company Information
Company Name
Website URL
Contact Person
Campaign Objectives
What are your primary goals for the PPC campaign?
(e.g., increase sales, generate leads, brand awareness)
Are there specific products or services you want to promote?
Target Audience
Describe your ideal customer (age, gender, interests, location, etc.):
Are there specific geographic locations you want to target (countries, cities, regions)?
Budget and Schedule
What is your monthly budget for the PPC campaign?
Do you have specific start and end dates in mind for the campaign?
Keywords and Ad Content
Do you have a list of specific keywords you want to target? If so, please provide.
Are there any keywords we should avoid?
Do you have any preferred ad copy or messaging? Please share examples or ideas.
Competitive Landscape
Who are your main competitors (please provide URLs if possible)?
Are there specific competitor strategies or ads you’ve seen that you either want to emulate or avoid?
Tracking and Reporting
Do you currently use Google Analytics or another analytics tool on your website?
What key performance indicators (KPIs) are most important to you?
(e.g., Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate, Cost Per Acquisition (CPA))
Additional Information
Are there any other details or preferences we should consider when managing your PPC campaign?
Do you have any creative assets (images, videos) or landing pages ready to use, or will these need to be developed?